
Monday, May 31, 2010


Dalam 3 Kingdom Prajurit sebagai bagian yang paling unik dalam game ini, fungsi prajurit sangat penting dan mempengaruhi kualitas bermain anda.

Sebagai petugas untuk melayani kerajaan Anda, Anda telah menunjukkan potensi yang besar. Ketika Anda terus meningkat pangkat, reputasi Anda bertambah lebih banyak prajurit yang akan ikut berperang di bawah bendera Anda. Setiap kelas memiliki kekuatan dan kelemahan yang berbeda, dan beberapa spesialisasi dalam pertempuran lebih dari yang lain.

Pada tahap awal untuk memanggil seorang prajurit membutuhkan 5 Karisma, contohnya pada awal bermain Tactician membutuhkan 30 Karisma karena kemampuan Tactician untuk memanggil 6 prajurit sekaligus.

Upgrade every level 30, 60, 120

Female Soldier

Male Soldier



Character Classes

ClassesWarriorFencerTacticianConjurer/Ahli Sihir
AbbilityClose - range combatVersatile, and good dodgeSupport TroopsCast to multiple enemies
Advance JobTiger Captain / Fang CaptainBlademaster / Imperial GuardScholar / StrategistMystic / Taoist


For better experience at game we need alliance to make our guild stronger, our alliance called WUnited
We will working together to get out target and protect our Kingdom from any attack. We are looking for fun, active and friendly guild. If you have plan to make a guild and interested to join our alliance you can apply your proposal

Kingdom : Wu

Guild Name :
Chief/Leader Name :
Guild Phone Number :
Guild Website :

You should contact us first before allied to our guild.
Contact Us
You need to register to our forum before contact us

We are looking for officer

Our guild still in the building process. for you that interested in our guild vision, you can help us build our community better. The officers are the most important role for our success, both in game and community.

Community Officer
Community officer job are related for website update, news, and keep connecting with our member. It'll make your pants burn if don't have wisdom and patience. It's a hard job, but very important.

Blog writer (4 writer) :
  • understand basic skill of blogging (as you can see, we use blogspot)
  • able to update our blog with useful information at least once a day (tutorial, game update, realated game news and also some important news)
  • keep it clean from link and ads (please don't spam it with your link and ads)
  • good at writing, also able to write in Indonesian (sometimes we update our blog in Indonesian and English too)

Forum Moderator (forum will be able once we have domain and install the engine, don't worry it'll be able in a few days, we need about 10 moderator ) :
  • keep forum on the lines (keep it from OOT, racist, debate, etc)
  • understand basic forum administration (we use SMF)
  • able to use your wisdom and encourage people for what is great for our community
  • patient (some people make a new thread that already created because the doest know it, so your patient really needed to guide them)
  • help them as fast as you can if you know the answers of the thread

Social Network Officer (4 officer) :
  • update our facebook group
  • broadcast news at yahoo messenger
  • broadcast news using SMS
  • your job is to keep them updated and remind them to present in game
  • female oriented :)

In Game Officer

We need a good strategy and alliance when playing 3 Kingdom Online, so for you that have a good experience in gaming and able to make tactics and decisions, don't let it get wasted. Also we need to be loved by other player.

Group Officer (5 officer) :
  • have a good leadership
  • we need your smart ass :)
  • firm and clear when get and giving command or decision
  • able to lead a few members
  • when in game you're really need a good and stable connection. (please make sure you have a good connection)
  • If you play at internet cafe (warnet) or play as a team you can choose 1 person to be officer for every 5 player (1 officer and 4 other player).
  • officer will get more guild earnings to optimize their group ability

Alliance and Public Officer (all member should be doing this, but we want to make sure so it'll be 3 officer) :
  • have a lot of time to play (always online in game at least 4 hours a day and not away)
  • charismatic and friendly
  • communicate with our alliance, some alliance just see us as helper in war and never talk each other, its your job to make them see us as a great friends even if its just a small talks it'll make a great change.
  • advertise our guild website to other player (tell them about our blog, forum and facebook group)

Each person can take two jobs. If you are interested, send your application by message to admin at  facebook 

Fill this application and join our forum
  • Name :
  • Friendly Name :
  • Age :
  • Work and Education :
  • Why you're interested to join our guild :
  • Phone Number :
  • Skill and Experience : tell us about your skill and experience that related to the officer job you want
  • Job Officer : example: forum moderator + Alliance and Public Officer 
  • How often you're online (active/not away) : example: I usually online 3 hour/day at least 4 days a week, I always online at war, other than that I usually AFK.
  • Yahoo Messanger :

Don't forget to join our facebook group before at Kingdom Hearts Group

Kingdom Hearts Proposal

 Kingdom Hearts 

Kingdom Hearts Proposal : Three Kingdom Online Indonesia Guild

Status : Building
Kingdom : Wu

We are looking for management officer (for forum moderator, blog writer, etc)
Management System :
  • Open management
  • Open financial
  • Democracy (with discussion and voting for important decision)
  • Active, connected and innovative
  • Independent financial
Our management was really open, doesnt like some guild that only give and get benefit to guild leader and his close friends. We are here like you, we see you as gamers that looking for fun, friends and explore the whole new world, we are not see you as a worker that would give benefit to the guild and just give gold to you no matter what happens to the guild even our guild really rich or bankrupt. Here, we build our guild together and we share it together.

Guild income will be updated and transparent. Every income and expense will be updated, so you will know the condition of our guild, it will be like a Bank that able to show and control our financial. The Bank also able to give you credit for few term so if you need gold, you can use our bank gold and pay it every few day without interest (of course its only for our loyal member).

We also planning to adding ads on our site once its get more hits and update, the income also open and transparent, we could use it for our guild (to buy voucher, gathering, etc). We always give the best connection and update we have by using mail, blog, facebook and messenger. So you will get the most updated information about our guild and 3 Kingdom Online news. The way how to optimizes is still on research we will update it as soon as possible.

Logo/Emblem :
We also looking for cool design, if you have any idea please share with us :


Kingdom Hearts Management
If you have any idea, please comment here.